The English word bead is derived from the Old English bede, which means, a prayer. The earliest known use of beads in prayer  goes back to early 10,000 BC. Throughout the centuries different cultures have continued to make beads from various materials including stone, gem, glass, bone, shells and clay. The exact origins of strings of prayer beads remain uncertain, but their early use is recorded in multiple cultures throughout  history. In this course you will learn the history of the Rosary. You will also learn prayers for your rosary and how to pray with your rosary. And last but not least, how to do a witch's cross.

Teacher: Agatha Bennett                                 

Teacher Assistant: 

Class Limit: Unlimited

Class Prerequisite: Orientation

Required Items: 

  • A Rosary  OR
  • beads, string, and symbol/charm to make your own rosary to use for the class 


Are you familiar with what an altar is? How do you decorate one, change it for the seasons and simply use this sacred space to intensify your spiritual practice. In this class we will dive into what an altar is and how to create a sacred focal point for your magickal workings. Altars are so much more than a space to store your magickal tools and supplies. It's your personal and sacred workspace. How do you set up an altar? What do you need for your altar? We will dive into these topics as well as examine what the altar means to a Witch, a Pagan simply all spiritual beings.  


Teacher:  Maeve Branwen

Teacher Contact: Class Appropriate Forum in Teacher Office or School Messaging System

Teacher Assistant: TBA 

This class has unlimited students.

Required Classes To Have Already Taken: Orientation

Suggested Supplies:

  • A small space

  • Table

  • Room 

  • Shelf

  • Or anywhere you can create a sacred place for yourself.